Friday, July 13, 2012

Selling Your Home In Grayson County

Selling Your Home In Grayson County - I have spoken with several sellers recently who have properties that have been listed with agents for one term, a few have been listed with a few agents for a considerable amount of time, even!

The seller I met with a few days ago told me not to hold back - that he wanted me to be brutally honest.  Anyone who knows me, knows that while I will say things in a nice way - I will ALWAYS tell you what I think you need to hear.  Good, he had given me the go-ahead to really tell them what they needed to do.

What I know is that there are FOUR important elements to listing your house.... and it actually selling.  Anyone can put your home on the market and you can have a jolly time keeping your home clean for the possibility of a showing, wringing your hands worrying as to why your getting no showings or why the ones that look seem to have no interest - or you can actually sell the home and realize the most profit possible.

It really is simple:

  1. PRICE - I can not emphasize enough how important this is!  You should not list with the agent that says they can get you the most money.  This is no reason to list your home with an agent.  They just want the listing exposure and I personally think they are stupid for doing so - be real, be honest and get the house sold (oh but that's a whole other tangent I don't even need to go off on!).  Look at the comp, price your home exactly where it needs to be - it shouldn't be too low, but it shouldn't be too high - needs to be JUST right.

    2. CONDITION - Long gone are the days where you could just simply throw a candle on and not have dirty underwear hanging off the bed.  If you want to realize the most profit on your home - I strongly suggest you live and show the house in a manner that is consistent with what the majority of the general buyers wish they would live.  What do I mean by this?  Maybe you're like me and you would normally throw your linens in the linen closet - but do I do that when my homes are for sale?  You can get your bottom dollar I do NOT.  I meticulously fold them and place them in a way that looks staged.  This gives the buyer the idea that they would also live this way.  If you can afford to stage your home - DO IT!  If not, ask your agent to tell you thinks you should get rid of, things that should be moved, etc.

3.  PHOTOGRAPHY - Now we're getting into things that the agent has control over!  The photography of your home is your bait to lure your buyer off the couch (online) and into your home.  Make sure it showcases your home in a positive light.  If your agent says they do their own photography, I would recommend looking at some of their work and if it's not to professional standards, move on to another agent.  This to me is definitely something I consider a non-negotiable.  Photos are super important and must be professional.

4.  INTERNET MARKETING -  With more than 90% of buyers beginning their search online, having an agent that knows their way around the internet is imperative.  You can not expect to throw a sign in the yard and place the home in the MLS and reach your goals.  The agent you choose needs to be savvy and have a real marketing plan when it comes to how your home will be showcased online.

If myself or my team can help you in any way with your real estate needs in the Grayson County area - please feel free to call on my.  My direct # is 903-624-0688.  We are proud to be a part of the fastest growing company in the country - Keller Williams Realty!

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